Keeping Track of Your Purchases and Job Costs in One System Allows You to See Your Profitability on Every Job. For a 14-Day Free Trial, click here!

Create Purchase Orders Specific to Jobs

Email Orders Directly to Suppliers

Assign Purchases to Jobs for Costings

Comprehensive Reports on all Purchases

Purchase Order Software - Purchase Order Management has never been easier

Manage all your costs with our Full-Featured Purchase Order Software

Our built-in purchase order section integrates into the rest of the Eworks Manager software. Gone are the days of using a separate purchase order system, only to copy all your information into other, multiple systems. Our integrated online quoting system and job management system sync seamlessly into our purchase orders section, making your life easier. You can now also create all your purchase orders with just a click of a button. Our easy-to-use online Purchase Order Software makes your business efficient and leaves you in control.

Keep Track of All Purchases & Costs in One Place

Track & manage costs and profits in our all-in-one system.
Book an Online Demo
Let us take you through the software!

Manage Suppliers and Monitor Their Pricing

With Eworks Manager's PO System Software, you can manage all your supplier information and keep track of their pricing to adjust your billing better. You can also keep track of all supplier communication, ensuring you have a full history of all interactions with your suppliers and any benefits they might provide.

Supervise Staff Purchases and their Orders

On making purchases for jobs, staff can upload a photo of receipts for proof of purchase, ensuring no non-work related items sneak in. Similarly, any orders placed for assets or inventory first need to be approved within our Purchase Request Software before being submitted to suppliers. This makes sure that no stock is being ordered without being allocated and billed to jobs and customers.

Take Control of All Purchases and More Importantly, Your Profits

Our Purchase Order System provides a detailed overview of all your costs related to jobs and projects. Our system allows for billable and non-billable expenses ensuring all expenses are logged and captured. This provides a full history of costs incurred and billed against clients, giving you a detailed overview of profits by jobs, projects and customers.

The Complete Business System

Some additional features that would benefit your business

Purchase Order Software FAQs

1What is a PO system?
A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. PO System Software allows you to capture all your PO related information in a single system.
2Why use a purchase order system?
Purchase orders need to provide accurate information of what has been ordered in case of any dispute. The PO lists item descriptions, quantities, pricing, discounts, delivery instructions and date of ordering. Using Purchase Order Software to capture this information leaves less margin for error than a verbal order.

Try our Software, FREE For 14-Days

Start a 14-day Free Trial. Unrestricted and Totally Free! Keep control of your entire business in one place.

Secured data. No fixed-term contracts. No card details needed.